Tuesday, August 2, 2011


... we had a huge storm where I live! It started out with thunder and lightening but then it turned to hail. I'm not even exaggerating the hail was the size of golf balls. At first I thought it would just be another storm, even though hail in august is quite rare in NY because its so hot. But it turned out that this storm left a lot of damage.

  • first the garden window in my living room broke and now the window is all boarded up
  • my mom's PT Cruiser is all dented (the roof and the hood) and her taillight got broken
  • My mom's T-Bird cover (covered because its a classic car but not in the garage because our garage is full) got all torn up so my dad believes that that car is dented as well
  • Our backyard furniture (gazebo and swing) got destroyed with holes in everything
  • My dad's large tent on the side of my house where he works on his cars got destroyed, all torn up and shredded by the huge hail, and so his car inside got all wet 
Ugh, this storm was horrible. I literally thought that the hail was going to start coming through the roof and all the windows. It felt like our house was being pelted with golf balls and baseballs. It was terrible, especially because my dad was at work like 10 or so miles away, and when the window broke he wasn't here and my mom had to deal with it.
My dad said that the sun never left when he was at work and that he didn't get a drop of rain, he only hit the rain when he got home. And what was even worse, my town was at the heart of the storm. Ugh, I feel so bad for my parents because they have to deal with all of this damage and I'm just hoping that the insurance company pays for everything. 

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