Sunday, July 31, 2011


... been a little down lately. I don't want to sound desperate but I want a boyfriend. It just seems that everyone around me has that desired relationship with their special someone and I really want to experience that. Its just that there is no guys in my school that I would really want to go out with (not to mention its summer right now and I haven't seen a lot of the people that go to my school in a while!). I need to put myself out there but it is really hard for me. I'm hoping to get a job soon and hopefully meet someone there, keeping my fingers crossed. It's just because I've never had that special relationship with someone, and I really want that. There is this one guy who I talk to all the time, and I don't want to sound cliche, but he's just not my type. I need someone with similar interests and a really good personality. I'm really hoping that if I work hard at opening myself up to others, and putting myself out there, I will find the perfect guy<3

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