Sunday, July 31, 2011


Its that time of year again! Haha! Its SHARK WEEK! I'm watching it right now as I post this blog post! If you don't know shark week is a week on Discovery Channel where they show all these different specials about sharks. Even if you don't like sharks I find the shows so interesting! Some of the shows can get pretty graphic, but I think the shows are really informing. Let's just say that I'm never swimming in the ocean again! And I live about 30 minutes from the ocean! But I don't mean like swimming right on the shore of the beach, because when I was younger I would go on the boat with my grandpa and I would just jump of the boat and swim in the middle of the ocean. When you're young, you don't think about whats swimming around you and what wildlife is within arm's reach. And you definitely don't think that their might be a shark swimming within a few miles of you. But I think I would be too scared to do that now, after watching all of these shark shows! Aha, but I think they are super interesting and I think that if you are bored and there's nothing good to watch on tv, you should watch some of the specials on Discovery Channel! If you do, let me know what you think! I know its random, but thats life! ahahha! ENJOY! xox

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