Monday, August 1, 2011


I redid my room last summer with my dad. Before, it used to be white walls, rose pink molding, blue carpets, and weird mismatched bedding (my bedding was green and brown and my sisters bedding was pink!). My room definitely needed to be redone because it hadn't been redone since my sister was born and she is 18. So we painted the walls pink, the molding black, and the doors white. I have a black carpet and my bedding is a zebra print comforter with pink sheets.

But I don't share a room with my sister anymore because she moved into the basement. We are both teenager and we both needed our own space. My sister got a wardrobe when we redid our room (my room) because I had the closet and she needed somewhere to put her clothes. Unfortunately, I am stuck with this huge wardrobe in my room because there isn't any room for it in the basement, but I want it out of my room because it makes my room look soo small! I need space and the wardrobe is just too big.

Luckily my dad is moving the wardrobe into the basement after cleaning it up and moving some furniture around. I think that I am going to get rid of my sister bed (she sleeps on a pull out in the basement and left her bed in my room) and put a vanity in place of the wardrobe. I think it would be amazing to have a proper place to both store and do my makeup and hair.

I'm doing some hardcore online shopping to try and find something but I haven't found anything yet! I'm going to keep on keeping on and try to find something! But I also have to hope that I can get a job at the end of summer and save up and buy it myself, so my parents don't have to pay for it!

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