Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Current Want:)

There is one thing that I love more than anything else... SHOES! I am a shoes addict. And I love all different types of shoes. That is the one thing I take pride in: having the best shoes. I don't care about clothes (well I do but I don't try to be the best dressed in my school!) I just care about my shoes.

I have a pretty big collection as it is. I have converse (Blondie, Grateful dead, Joker, and original black and white), my keds, pumas, nikes, fringe boots, cowboy boots, a pair of heels from Payless, ed hardy sneakers, and some old bear paws as well as some old boots. I wear my converse, keds, and boots a lot!

But there is one thing that I saw in a Journey catalog that I had to have. Like seriously. I need them now.
And its these boots:

OMG! I HAVE TO HAVE THEM! I think they are so unique and adorable. I love how the front isn't even with the back and I am completely IN LOVE with the cut outs and the strap across the front. I also love the natural brown material because it goes with anything (unlike black or regular brown). And they are for a reasonable price, $49.99. I mean its not the cheapest shoe I would own (My cowboy boots were 10 dollars), but it also wouldn't be the most expensive (My fringe boots were $90!). But my mom doesn't think its a bad price either. I mean if you think about it its a lot cheaper than buying a pair of uggs. You are paying a decent price for such a unique boot, a boot that a lot of other people don't have (unlike Uggs, which my sister has at least 5 pairs of!). I don't know, my family is in a little financial bind (nothing to worry about, i hope, but we can't do unneeded spending). I hope that my parents will buy me them, but if not, I plan on getting a job at the end of august, so I can pay for them myself. I just really fell in love with these shoes from the first time I spotted them on the page of the catalog. 

I really want these boots.

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