Friday, August 12, 2011

I want this so bad...

... I just don't think people know how bad I want this. I want to be a singer so bad. It has really become my passion, and I don't just want this anymore. I NEED THIS. For the 30 minutes every week (during my singing lessons) I feel like a have a purpose. I feel like this is what I am meant to. And I just feel that the only reason my dreams won't come true is because I don't have the financials to start everything .. like the recording studio is $300 an hour. And it pisses me off that people like fucking Rebecca Black get famous because SHE SUCKS! I'm sorry but live on AGT she was horrible, and I know that she is only 14 (I'm only 15), but she shouldn't be a singer. And yet she gets opportunities like being on Americas Got Talent.

 I just want this so bad. I need this. I need this to prove to myself that I am worth something..

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