Saturday, August 20, 2011

I just need to vent.

so my best friend went to a family party today and said that she has a friend that shes likes (who is also at the party), and she told me that she doesn't know where it will lead to and that she likes him. and i just replied with oh cool because i had no idea what else to say. I haven't seen her in weeks (and its not b/c of me, its her parents, and they never let her hang out) and i have the strongest gut feeling that if she does get a boyfriend, im going to be placed on the complete back burner, and that all of the time that her parents will let her hang out it will be with him. so i guess we will see. i just dont see her as the dating type but i guess i could be wrong. i dont know i just think that if she gets involved with a relationship that im never going to see her except at school. am i wrong?

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