Wednesday, July 20, 2011


... is just so stressful. I'm 15, and can't really get a job right now. Most of the places around where I live only hire 16 year olds. My mom is sick, and can't work because of problems with her health, so my dad takes on the role of the sole provider for our family. He has a state job so it pays good, but we do struggle with money sometimes. But I'm sure not complaining, my dad is really smart with money and has given me and my sister almost everything that we have always wanted. It just sucks, because I live in a neighborhood with a lot of people who are wealthier than me and they are always bragging about the material things they get. And it sucks. Like brand new juicy bags, louis vuitton bags, designer clothes and shoes. I get purses from flea markets and tj maxx and shoes from the outlets. I feel so much financial pressure, and I wish so much that I could get a job and support myself. But I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon..

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