Saturday, July 16, 2011

how can someone hurt you soo bad..

.. when someone you care for so deeply hurts you, it is more painful than anything else. Especially when its your best friend. It just sucks sometimes to feel like they don't care, about anything, your accomplishments, your feelings. I hate to nag, or complain, but people need support. I don't care who you are, you always need someone there for. And when that person stops caring, it feels like the world is crashing down on you. And we all know that never feels good.


  1. I really understand this. I have this bestfriend, but sometimes she's like a worst enemy. When she hurts me, It really hurts.

    I followed you <3

  2. Yeah, I totally understand. Its just so confusing why someone who is supposed to love/care about you can hurt you so bad.. & thank you so much! I really appreciate it! <3 I followed back!

  3. n'aww, it's no problem and thanks! :)
